Roundnet Rule Revolution 2025

Unleash roundnet’s potential by testing significant rule changes

Objectives: Increase Rallies, Decrease Aces and Double Faults To Make A Game That's More Fun To Play and Watch

The Roundnet Rules Revolution 2025 (RRR25) is a year-long global project, led by the IRF.

Roundnet has huge potential, but its growth is severely limited by the current game dynamics. Hitting is overpowered, making defense nearly impossible - leaving serving as the only option. This results in a lack of rallies, an abundance of double faults, and a one-dimensional game that’s boring to the average viewer. It’s less fun and less marketable than we know it could be. And if you’re reading this, you’ve probably experienced a glimpse of what roundnet is at its best.  In order for roundnet to expand beyond its current state and reach its full potential we need significant rule changes and now is the time to make that happen

Throughout 2025, different rule packages will be implemented at official tournaments at the highest level. So far, we have secured the support of the ETS from EURA and the Masterseries from Roundnet Germany in Europe. In the USA, we have the support of the USAR tour as well as the companies Spikeball with the STS and the tournaments from PremierSpike. Players will be informed in advance about the specific allocation of the rules to be tested. We welcome any additional tournament series that would like to support us here. For more info and ways to get involved check out the resources below!

2024 Men's Worlds Finals

Rule Packages To Be Tested

How did we choose rules?

First, thank you to our rules committee! They reviewed all of the suggestions from the community. From there, they then organized, evaluated, refined, and grouped the top-rated rules into packages. The detailed document linked below is a product of countless hours of work from community members all over the world.

How will rules be tested?

We have four phases each with it’s own rule package. Package A & B are already defined. Packages C & D will be determined based on our learnings. The testing will happen consecutively (i.e. we will start with just testing package A then move on to testing package B). In package C we will combine the best of what’s working and possibly add alternate rules if needed. So just because rules aren’t currently grouped together (or included in a package) doesn’t mean they can’t end up together. Package D focuses on further refining what’s worked. At this point, we hope to be fine tuning the rules that will be voted on by NGBs in September.

What’s in packages A & B?

Package A (Bolster Defense)
Limit the area to cover, provide more time to get in position, and enhance ability to know what shot will be hit.

  • Out of bounds (circle 7.5m radius)

  • No same hand toss

  • 3 hits required by receiving team on the first possession

  • Server’s teammate free to move

  • Receiver’s teammate free to move  

  • Simultaneous contacts count as 1 hit

Package B (Nerf Hitting)
Iterate on the out of bounds distance + limit drops and make hitting extreme angles harder to achieve.

  • Out of bounds (distance TBD based on Package A results)

  • No drop zone (ball cannot land within the no hit zone)

  • Expand no hit zone (110cm for men, 100 cm for women)

  • Simultaneous contacts count as 1 hit

Package C (Synergy)
Pair high-performing rules from Packages A&B and adding alternative options if necessary

Package D (Preliminary Final Version)
Developing the final test version based on insights from all testing

When will each package be tested?

This is a rough timeline. We will make adjustments as needed based on our learnings and keep everyone in the loop as details get finalized.

  • March - April: Start testing Package A

  • May: Shift to Package B

  • June: Shift to Package C (potentially with some additional testing of previous packages)

  • July - August: Shift to Package D

What about equipment testing?

The focus is rule changes because we have direct control and easy to test globally. That said,The IRF is actively in discussions with equipment manufacturers on production of bigger balls. When bigger balls become more accessible, we will incorporate testing them into some of the events this year.

As we have limited resources for equipment testing, we have set a larger size and weight specification for testing. This means we will be able to determine if this version of a larger ball is better than the existing ball standards. This specification was determined in collaboration with major equipment manufacturers, but any manufacturer may submit balls that meet these standards for testing events. We also encourage any manufacturers interested in collaborating to complete this form to register with the IRF.

What else should the community keep in mind?

This is an iterative process. It’s helpful if a rule goes a little too far as that makes it more clear which direction to go from there. We expect some things to “fail” and that’s part of the process. We really hope everyone approaches these changes with an open-mind and good spirit. We know some modification might be difficult or frustrating at first (like any change), but the ultimate goal is to set roundnet up for the future. If there was something you wanted to see testing that isn’t currently in a package, it doesn’t necessarily mean it won’t be part of later tests. If you think a distance adjustment is too much or too little - that’s exactly what the testing is meant to determine.

View the detailed rule document.


RRR25 Team

  • Members: 5-10 people led by the IRF Board, with additional members selected through public applications to ensure diversity in region and skill level. Apply here.

  • Goal: Organize, structure, and monitor the entire RRR25 process, coordinate tests, and gather feedback for rule development without directly voting on final changes.

NGB Consulting Group (CG)

  • Members: Up to two people from each NGB, appointed for their motivation and openness to help develop the sport's rules.

  • Goal: Provide quick and informal feedback to the RRR25 team on specific topics, contributing ideas but not making final decisions.

NGB Contacts

  • Members: Official representatives of the NGBs, associations that are members of the IRF.

  • Goal: Receive updates from the RRR25T and ultimately vote on the final rule changes.

Newsletter Group (NG)

  • Goal: Submit ideas, receive updates, and offer structured feedback on working versions of rule changes throughout the process.


  • 1. Introduction (Oct '24)

    Publish project documents, launch NGB consulting group, review RRR25 applications, post rule categories and evaluation criteria and open rule proposal submission form (Oct 18 - 31).

  • 2. Review (Nov '24 - Jan '25)

    Sort and review proposed rule changes, sending top proposals to CG for feedback as required.

    Finalize rule change decisions for testing and inform stakeholders (NGB, CG, NG).

  • 3. Testing (Feb '25 onward)

    Design test events and procedures, promote test event hosting.

    Execute tests at official tournaments at the highest level, evaluate feedback, and revise rule changes.

  • 4. Finalization + Voting (Sep '25)

    Send final rule changes for voting to NGB contacts, publish new IRF rules, and adapt national rules.


  • Project Brief

    Our brief outlines high-level problems and goals of the Roundnet Rule Revolution 2025. RRR25 is a year-long global rule testing project, led by the IRF to help the sport reach its full potential.

  • Rule Packages

    This document maps out the different rule test packages work. It shows the rules that have been selected for package A & B, rules still in consideration, and rules that have been eliminated.

  • Tournament Specifications

    This document outlines the requirements of test tournaments that are officially participating in the Roundnet Rules Revolution. Please review if you are involved in an official event.

  • Package A Rulebook

    This is the full rulebook with Package A revisions included. Anything removed from the current rules is highlighted in red and anything added is highlighted in green.


  • Feedback Form

    In addition to the tournament analysis we’re collecting community feedback on the rule changes tested in RRR25. Tell us about your experiences, share your thoughts, and even submit video material if you’d like.

  • Add Your Tournament

    Do you want your tournament to be part of the Roundnet Rules Revolution 2025 as an official testing event please? If so please fill out the application and let us know more details.

  • Join Our Newsletter

    If you just want to follow along and stay up-to-date on all the progress join our newsletter. This will be a primary method of communication to to share more detailed information.


Proposed rules will be evaluated against the rubric below to determine viability and select the top contenders for testing.

  • A proposed rules score is the sum of all categories (Level 4 = 4 points, Level 1 = 1 point).

    • We will average the results of evaluators from the RRR2025 team.

  • If a rule scores a 1 in a category (with the exception of impact), it will be rejected. 

    • A 1 for impact with every other category high means we can likely vote on this rule without testing, if it fits the goals of the RRR25.


If you want to support this initiative by testing rules in a tournament series or anything else, email









Hong Kong














Austria 〰️ Belgium 〰️ Brasil 〰️ Denmark 〰️ Hong Kong 〰️ Italy 〰️ Luxembourg 〰️ Mexico 〰️ Netherlands 〰️ Norway 〰️ Spain 〰️