RRR Release Rule Packages
The Roundnet Rule Revolution was launched in October of 2024 with the goal of testing new rules in 2025 to help increase rallies, decrease double faults and aces, and make a sport that’s more fun to play and watch. We know roundnet isn’t even close to it’s potential and is limited by certain game dynamics.
For months committee members from all over the world have been working together to review rule recommendations from the community. From there, they categorized, evaluated, refined and grouped rules into packages that will be tested throughout the year.
Phase two of the project has just been completed (as scheduled) with the release of the rules to be tested.
This is a pivotal point for this sport and the success of this project relies on everyone who is part of the roundnet community. Change can be hard, but we hope everyone embraces this process with their full effort, an open mind and goodwill. Thanks to everyone who has helped contribute their time to make this happen.